
Don’t interfere with nature, live a respectful balanced life.

James Daniel
1 min readSep 21, 2021

This morning I woke at my usual 5 am start. On my way to the gym, I was struck by the brightest moon hanging low in the sky, reflecting majestically on the canal and casting long shadows against a grey-blue hue, silhouetting the horizon in a magical awe-inspiring scene.

The photo was taken by the author.

After an energising workout, the sun had risen, and while driving my polluting diesel car home, I contemplated that early morning moonlit scene.

Reflecting on how often we can take such scenes for granted and disregard them in our pre-occupation with rushing between stages and places in life, the “busyness” of life.

As I drove I noticed the jet streams from planes against a beautiful blue sky, and the litter carelessly discarded from passing cars on the Hertfordshire country lanes. Mc Donald’s Boxes and soft drinks cans, thrown for someone else to worry about. A dead badger on the roadside from a speeding car.

Life could be more balanced if we interfere less.



James Daniel

Looking for a space to create, connect, have fun and change the world.