Break the Attention Deficit Cycle

Learn to Focus Again

James Daniel
2 min readOct 11, 2021

We are connected, always on.

Waiting for the next ping.

Subconsciously looking for the next hit.



Even reading this you are probably thinking about that last thread, or even a notification has popped up at the top of your screen.

This is killing your attention.

We subconsciously teach ourselves a circular unhealthy mental pattern of not feeling comfortable unless there is a notification for our immediate attention. While never finding comfort because we are always on alert for the next ping.

It’s never-ending.

If it doesn’t come, we start to look for it. Our ability to hold attention is reduced to seconds.

Break the cycle, take the time to prepare for your chosen task, create the time and space for focused work.

Go to your quiet space.

Turn off your notifications.

Make sure the kids or roommates can’t disturb you.

Book the time in your diary.

You know what works best for you. Give yourself the best chance of focused work and remember what it’s like to focus on one thing at a time.

Enjoy it.

Go a step further and truly cultivate a focused mind. Dedicate time every day to meditate.

Go to your quiet space, remove the distractions and reacquaint with longer periods of focus.

Fight back against the constant ping.



James Daniel

Looking for a space to create, connect, have fun and change the world.